Friday, March 16, 2012
Day 24
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Monday, March 12, 2012
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Friday, March 9, 2012
Day 17
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Day 16

Boy, am I ever tired out from my four days of almost non-stop play at Doggie Central. Vicki picked me up this afternoon and I got to ride in the car back to her house. I wanted to drive but she said I couldn't 'cause i don't have my learner's permit yet.
Once i got home and visited my pal Vernon for a bit, I just had to hit the sack. I am pooped!
Vicki exclaimed, "Who's been sleeping' in my bed?!" when she saw me all flaked out on her comfy bed. Yes, i have my own round fleece bed, and it's quite nice as it's right next to my box of toys, but there's something about her bed in the afternoon that i can't resist. And I love to put my head on her pillow. :)
Monday, March 5, 2012
Day 13
Is it Day 13 already???? Wow, where does the time go? I've gone to Doggie Central for a little vacation until Thurs...so no pics until then. sorry fans! Miss Lily needs a little down time to be refreshed for her next photo shoot!!!!
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Oh! The places I go....

Late this afternoon Vicki took me for a ride in the car to Doggie Central where I'll be staying for a few days while she's in New York. I enjoyed watching all the people pass by as I sat nicely in the passenger seat.
Hey! if you want, you might be able to catch me in action playing if you log on to the doggie cam where i'm being boarded. hopefully i won't be BORED or boring :) just go to www.doggiecentral.com...then go to the doggie cam listed on the menu...you'll be asked for a user name and password and it's super easy!
password: central
i'll probably be in the big dog room...and, dude, if you're lucky you'll get to see me!
I was soooo relieved to find that the cameras are only on between the hours of 10 AM and 4 PM Pacific time because, like, hey i need my privacy, too! i don't want anyone to see me before I've put myself together...i can't always be looking perfect...i sometimes get bedhead, too, you know. see ya!
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Friday, March 2, 2012
Day 10

wow, it's already Day 10!
you can see here that i am sleeping again..this time on the couch along with my BFF Vern. Vicki's white sofa has been shrouded in layers and layers of sheets and towels so Vern and I can mess it up all we want without damaging the pristine white cushions.
Today I spent a good deal of time lounging in the sun. I was lectured by Vicki about the dangers of too much sun exposure since, according to her, I have sensitive, fair skin that may be prone to skin problems if I spend too many hours under the harmful rays. She said something about me needing to wear sunscreen or a t-shirt next time, but i didn't really understand what she was yapping about.
Oh, and Vern and I each got a Nylabone to play with this afternoon. They're highly digestible, or at least that's what the packaging says.
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Day 8
What's special about today?
Well, not only is it Leap Year, but Miss Lily had her first ever interview...yep, she had an interview at Doggie Central Day Care/Boarding to see if she can be a client. She passed with flying colors and is now enjoying the afternoon in doggie day care. Next week, when Vicki will be out of town, Miss Lily will have a super great place to go. She'll be well taken care of and have lots of pups to play with all day.
In this photo you can see Miss Lily on the right, with a deaf English Bulldog named Howard and a dalmatian also named Lily. The worker first let Miss Lily in the small play area by herself, so she could sniff around and acclimate. Then one at a time new dogs were brought in and introduced so she wouldn't be overwhelmed. After she proved she has excellent social skills, she was welcomed into the larger open play area.
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Day 7
Monday, February 27, 2012
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Day 4

Vernon and I played so hard last night, running in circles in the yard, that I had to sleep in until well after 9 AM this morning. I also discovered, much to my delight, that there is a fascinating compost area in the way back of the yard. It's super interesting to me....I keep wondering what all goodies are in there...but Vicki doesn't like me nosing around in it :(
Friday, February 24, 2012
Day 3

It's Day 3. This morning I was transfixed trying to figure out how to stop the little gold dot on the floor. Everytime I moved, it moved. It was so frustrating! Then Vicki told me it was the reflection from my new ID tag on my collar. Silly me!
I have found many new spots for naps. I am going to try to find a new one every day.

Thursday, February 23, 2012
Day 2
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Day 1

Today is Day 1 of Miss Lily's Adventures. Miss Lily is on a 7-week holiday until April when she will join her new family near San Antonio, Texas. Lily arrived this morning ready to play. She and Vernon played tag for several hours and then napped and then resumed their game of tag. Now it's lights out for the weary pup. So far today has been great. No mishaps, conflicts or problems of any kind. Sweet dreams.
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