Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Sweetest Factor

The sweetness factor is officially off the charts!

Day 8

What's special about today?

Well, not only is it Leap Year, but Miss Lily had her first ever interview...yep, she had an interview at Doggie Central Day Care/Boarding to see if she can be a client. She passed with flying colors and is now enjoying the afternoon in doggie day care. Next week, when Vicki will be out of town, Miss Lily will have a super great place to go. She'll be well taken care of and have lots of pups to play with all day.

In this photo you can see Miss Lily on the right, with a deaf English Bulldog named Howard and a dalmatian also named Lily. The worker first let Miss Lily in the small play area by herself, so she could sniff around and acclimate. Then one at a time new dogs were brought in and introduced so she wouldn't be overwhelmed. After she proved she has excellent social skills, she was welcomed into the larger open play area.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Day 7

This morning I got a special treat: a hollow bone with p-nut butter inside. Vicki put creamy old-fashioned peanut butter in the bone and then put it in the freezer. 30 minutes later I was enjoying the challenge of getting the yummy peanut butter out!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Day 5

It was such lovely weather out today that I spent a lazy Sunday napping in the sun.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Day 4

Vernon and I played so hard last night, running in circles in the yard, that I had to sleep in until well after 9 AM this morning. I also discovered, much to my delight, that there is a fascinating compost area in the way back of the yard. It's super interesting to me....I keep wondering what all goodies are in there...but Vicki doesn't like me nosing around in it :(

Friday, February 24, 2012

Day 3

It's Day 3. This morning I was transfixed trying to figure out how to stop the little gold dot on the floor. Everytime I moved, it moved. It was so frustrating! Then Vicki told me it was the reflection from my new ID tag on my collar. Silly me!

I have found many new spots for naps. I am going to try to find a new one every day.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

please do not interrupt me when i am obviously busy with my chew stick

Day 2

After a solid night's sleep I awoke refreshed. Here I am on my bed.

Then I ate breakfast and played a little before settling in for a mid-morning nap.

As you can see, I've found many good spots for snoozing. So far today I've taken 5!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Day 1

Today is Day 1 of Miss Lily's Adventures. Miss Lily is on a 7-week holiday until April when she will join her new family near San Antonio, Texas. Lily arrived this morning ready to play. She and Vernon played tag for several hours and then napped and then resumed their game of tag. Now it's lights out for the weary pup. So far today has been great. No mishaps, conflicts or problems of any kind. Sweet dreams.